Hi...my name is Ellie and I love cinnamon rolls, gummy bears, rain, green grass, fuzzy bunnies and my beeeeeautiful family. But also...I totally love my photography. I love meeting new people and sharing my photography with them. I can be pretty goofy and I'm not afraid to make a fool of myself to get that perfect smile. Take a peek around and don't be afraid to leave some blog love...comments are quite possibly my favorite part of blogging. I love hearing what people think. Oh...and feel free to ask questions too!

More of Down South...

Ah...what a day. The Princess was kinda on one today. Whatev'...

So yeah, we watched a new movie last night and it's pretty much the Princess' favoritest movie EV.ER! Ya ready to hear what it is?


Yup...the documentary Babies. I think she might just have a crush on the Namibian baby.

ANYWHOO! On to some pictures. I only have time to post a couple so I thought we'd post the twinners and their wives...

Check out this hot couple...

Paul and Emily are some pretty people.

Next up? Paul's twin brother and his wifey, an equally good lookin' couple...

How perfect was their dog? He was such a natural poser. Haha! And um...I'm kinda in love with Mary's hair. Made me decide to grow mine out again. Yeah...we'll see if that actually happens.

Sorry that's it for tonight, it's been CUH-RAZY! Tomorrow I promise will involve an old car and more motorcycle... :)

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