Hi...my name is Ellie and I love cinnamon rolls, gummy bears, rain, green grass, fuzzy bunnies and my beeeeeautiful family. But also...I totally love my photography. I love meeting new people and sharing my photography with them. I can be pretty goofy and I'm not afraid to make a fool of myself to get that perfect smile. Take a peek around and don't be afraid to leave some blog love...comments are quite possibly my favorite part of blogging. I love hearing what people think. Oh...and feel free to ask questions too!


What a strange, good, not so good day! It started off having to go to work. And today is my 5:30 am day. Now I don't know about you...but I am NOT a morning person. The ideal time to wake up in my book is 9:00. 5:30 and 9:00 are very VERY different. Don't ask me why I like 9:00... it's just the time of day where I wake up automatically and I feel happy. Seriously. Warm fuzzies kind of happy. And luckily...my daughter feels the same way. Lately, she's been sleeping in until 9:00 or later. Ah...life is good.

ANYWAY! Back to my story! Work. Not such a highlight. If photography was my day job then I'd probably be ok but work...not photography. Don't get me wrong. I feel very very blessed to have a job in this economy and not only that...I'm INCREDIBLY blessed to be able to work from home. And I've been with this company a looooooooooong time so they've really gone above and beyond for me and I appreciate that to high heaven. But there's just something about going to "work." Hmmmm...I think I'm getting spoiled. Good grief...is it possible for me to stay on a subject today? Anyways! So after work...I did the dishes, went shopping with my sister-in-law, did some errands, and came home. After coming home, I attempted to make myself some late lunch/early dinner. Now...I am not the best cook. The Hubby does a lot of the gourmet stuff around here. When I'm really in the mood for it or I really want/crave something...I'll cook something. But this is what happens when I'm not really in the mood to cook...

That, my friends, was my pitiful excuse at trying to cook myself lunch. Can you even tell what it was supposed to be? After setting off the fire alarm...which, miraculously, did not wake up my sleeping baby...I just decided to heck with lunch. I'm going for the good stuff. And I pulled out this.

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....kinda makes you wish you burnt your lunch today huh? Let me just say...SOOOOOOOOOOO good. I.Heart.Cupcakes. I'm very very glad cupcakes are back "in" right now because they've never been "out" with me. I love every gooey morsel.

So...I wasn't going to post any of these until I was done editing the session but in honor of my sis-in-law introducing me to this wonderful little cupcake shop (really, it was adorable...if anyone wants to know where to get one of the pretty things above, e-mail me and I'll tell you) I decided to give her a sneak peak of our impromptu session. Hope you like it dear! It made me smile...


Bry and Meliss said...

Ha ha! That's so funny! :D I do want to know where those cupcakes are from!!

Unknown said...

I love this whole post. :) Grilled cheese right???

Ashley said...

Heather, your eyes are beautiful!

Natalia said...

Heather's eyes are SO beautiful! :D I love it. I super heart the textures this week. Especially #2. #1 is quite artistic though, I like it! I think its grilled cheese too.

Oh Oh !! Send me an e-mail! I want to know where the goey-goodness cupcakes are!!
