Hi...my name is Ellie and I love cinnamon rolls, gummy bears, rain, green grass, fuzzy bunnies and my beeeeeautiful family. But also...I totally love my photography. I love meeting new people and sharing my photography with them. I can be pretty goofy and I'm not afraid to make a fool of myself to get that perfect smile. Take a peek around and don't be afraid to leave some blog love...comments are quite possibly my favorite part of blogging. I love hearing what people think. Oh...and feel free to ask questions too!

A Farewell...........


I've been considering this for a long time.

Photography and I have been in a love/hate relationship for some time now. 

So.  The day has come.

I'm officially closing the doors on EllieCutler Photography. 

I HAVE started a new blog. 

With a new name.

One that isn't so confusing (who is Ellie/Marilyn?).

I will be posting pictures there but it will be more lifestyle than anything else.

If I do decide to do a session here and there...it will be posted there. 

That blog is: http://perlavidastudios.blogspot.com

Hope to see you there!!!

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