Hi...my name is Ellie and I love cinnamon rolls, gummy bears, rain, green grass, fuzzy bunnies and my beeeeeautiful family. But also...I totally love my photography. I love meeting new people and sharing my photography with them. I can be pretty goofy and I'm not afraid to make a fool of myself to get that perfect smile. Take a peek around and don't be afraid to leave some blog love...comments are quite possibly my favorite part of blogging. I love hearing what people think. Oh...and feel free to ask questions too!


Please pardon our mess...EllieCutler Photography has a new look and we're working on getting everything installed. It'll be over soon...I promise. :)

In the meantime...here is a picture to hold you over. And if you look closely, you can see the new logo. Or you can just go visit the website.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WHERE have you BEEN?! How are you? Have you had your baby yet? What's up?!