Hi...my name is Ellie and I love cinnamon rolls, gummy bears, rain, green grass, fuzzy bunnies and my beeeeeautiful family. But also...I totally love my photography. I love meeting new people and sharing my photography with them. I can be pretty goofy and I'm not afraid to make a fool of myself to get that perfect smile. Take a peek around and don't be afraid to leave some blog love...comments are quite possibly my favorite part of blogging. I love hearing what people think. Oh...and feel free to ask questions too!

FINALLY!!!! A Post!!!

Well...first off, I hope you all had a simply marvelous Christmas. We did. Christmas with kids is AWESOME! End of story.

Secondly...remember how I said my internet issues were over? Yeah...they weren't! Hence the lack of blogging. But now I am happy to say they are! Can I hear a woot woot!!!

Now...to get to the actual post! I know that's why you all visit my blog...not to listen to my incessant rambling but to actually see pictures...so I guess I better actually show you some pictures huh?

Meet Brady...

Brady loves Emily.

Meet Emily...

Emily loves Brady.

Brady + Emily = one durned gorgeous couple...

Don't you agree?

Ah...I love groomal sessions. They totally take the stress out of the wedding day. So you can imagine what I said when Emily asked if they should do a bridal or groomal session. GROOMAL!

No contest. :)

So we all met up at the Utah State Capitol Building. One of my favorite locations quite possibly ever. You can get soooooooooooo many different kinds of shots there. I get out of the car. Megan (aka Audrey from THIS post) gets out of the car. I open my truck...throw in my purse...slam the trunk...realize my keys are in my purse...yell "Noooooooooooooooo" at Megan at the top of my lungs a second too late as she slams the door.

Dang it.

Totally just locked my keys in the car. So we called the Hubs. Luckily he wasn't working and took care of calling a locksmith for me. And luckily Megan was able to take care of actually getting the locksmith into my car. I heart you Megan! :)

So the shoot was a total success but I'll let the rest of the pictures do the talking.

Um...that last picture may or may not be one of my favorite pictures ever. Dunno why...I just love it.

So there you are Emily and Brady! Your groomal session. I can't wait for your wedding in a week and 1/2!!!

Don't forget to leave some blog lovin' people! Comments make me happy. :)


Jordan + Kayla said...

OMG!!! I love these!!!! I love the black door they were standing by.. maybe an option for us friend??? hahahha

America said...

Loving the shots in the capitol building...very nice!

The Clark's said...

Stunning! Love the bridal b/w one!

Ashley said...

Love these two people! Great pics Marilyn. You used the location well.

Brady,McCall said...

Oh wow!!! Very wonderful!!! What a gorgeous couple, just love these two. Picture perfect. You never cease to amaze me Marilyn.

...Ashlee... said...

I couldn't love these more. I am in LOVE with the one of Emily on the red chair. AWESOME! Great work!